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Feb 03, 2015
Medallia Culture

In Desperate Need of Engineering Talent? Stop Recruiting Now

Why would someone want to work at your company? This question, bred largely out of the intense competition for engineering talent,


Juan Pablo Dellarroquelle

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Jan 23, 2015
Customer Experience

Picking the Right Customer Experience Metric: It All Just Depends

In the business world, the strength of a metric lies in — not only how accurate it is — but also the extent to which it helps driv


Peter Kriss

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Jan 22, 2015
Customer Experience

When Closing the Loop Just Isn’t Enough to Preserve Customer Loya

There are few things more disheartening for a customer than feeling that their feedback isn’t heard. Recognizing this, many


Lisa Love-Bebb

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Jan 14, 2015
Customer Experience

From Russia With Love: 4 Ways To Create A Customer-Centric Cultur

You might think there’s no bigger oxymoron in the business world than the phrase, “Telecom company with great customer experience.


Krystal Barghelame

Dec 18, 2014
Customer Experience

Engineering Management Recruiting is Broken — Here’s How to Fix I

Engineering management recruiting is broken. Why? The fundamental reason is that companies have done exactly what comes naturally


Tung Vo

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Dec 16, 2014
Customer Experience

5 Non-Customer-Facing Roles That Impact Customer Experience

Which role in your organization has the biggest impact on your company’s customer experience? If you ask most company leaders, the


The Medallia Team

9 Ways to Help Your Employees Take Ownership of Your Business
Nov 18, 2014
Customer Experience

9 Ways to Help Your Employees Take Ownership of Your Business

When you own (or are in charge of) a business, it becomes a close family member — you’d do anything for it. From tireless days and


Michelle De Haaff

Oct 16, 2014
Customer Experience

Voice of the Customer: Listening Isn’t Enough

While an increasing number of companies are investing in Voice of the Customer programs, many haven’t realized the level of impact


Michelle De Haaff

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Oct 08, 2014
Customer Experience

4 Reasons Car Dealers Should Care About Customer Experience

Suppose you walk into a high-end clothing store and you tell the manager that you plan to spend $30K on a new wardrobe. How do you


Steve Earwaker

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Sep 01, 2014
Customer Experience

Goal Setting: A Four-Point Health Check

It’s that time of the year. Goal setting is in the air as companies prepare for year-end budgets and planning, and executives are

John Abraham

John Abraham

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Aug 18, 2014
Customer Experience

Retail Omni-Channel: Tying the Knot with Your Most Valuable Custo

Before retail was called “retail,” making a purchase was simple: go wherever the thing you wanted was sold (or traded for) and buy



Aug 07, 2014
Customer Experience

The Value of Customer Experience, Quantified

This article was originally published in the Harvard Business Review on August 1st, 2014. Intuitively, most people recognize the v


Peter Kriss