`` Blog Archive | Page 32 of 43 | Medallia Customer and Employee Experience Blog

Bob Thompson webinar blog – Narrow
Aug 19, 2015
Customer Experience

Webinar: Fostering Customer-Centric Leadership From the Bottom Up

“Good customer service begins at the top. If your senior people don’t get it, even the strongest links further down the line can b


The Medallia Team

Win-Win Situation
Jul 23, 2015
Customer Experience

Winning With a Great Customer Experience

This article was originally published on RingCentral’s website on July 9, 2015 At RingCentral, we feel a great product combi


Walt Weisner

VBC PoH blog photo – featured
Jun 19, 2015
Customer Experience

Webinar: Customer Centricity and the Science of Habit Change

Anyone whose company has tried to change the culture around its customer experience knows that the results don’t always match the


The Medallia Team

Windstream – Feature
Jun 03, 2015
Customer Experience

Case Study: Maintaining a Consistent Customer Experience During R

You would be hard-pressed to find a company these days that doesn’t collect some type of customer data after important interaction


The Medallia Team

Apr 21, 2015
Customer Experience

Fostering a Customer Feedback Culture

As insights and decisions become more data driven, it’s not surprising to have initiatives questioned with, “Do you have the data


The Medallia Team

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Apr 13, 2015
Medallia Culture

It's Time to Take a Survey of Your Employee Survey

If you could only ask one question on your employee survey what would it be? Would you ask about the employee’s manager? Work-life


David Galloreese

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Apr 07, 2015
Customer Experience

Bias for Action: The Transformational Journey of Farmers Insuranc

In any industry characterized by stiff competition and high customer churn, the most successful companies are the ones who can dis


The Medallia Team

Mar 31, 2015
Customer Experience

How Customer-Centric Are You? Use Our New Tool to Find Out!

When companies want to improve their customer experience, they often take a step back and take stock of how customer-centric their


The Medallia Team

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Mar 19, 2015
Medallia Culture

Some Career Mistakes Are Great To Make

Originally posted on Fortune.com on March 12th, 2015 Love makes us do stupid things. Like moving to Las Vegas to start a job in ho


David Galloreese

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Mar 10, 2015
Customer Experience

The Impact of Wearables on Customer Experience

Patent disputes aside, Amazon’s 1-Click is emblematic of one of the most important customer experience paradigms: that creating a


The Medallia Team

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Mar 05, 2015
Customer Experience

Helping Employees Hit the Ground Running With New Customer Feedba

Receiving feedback for the first time — especially criticism — can be difficult without the right preparation. Customer feedback i


Gaby Moran

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Feb 17, 2015
Customer Experience

Why Honesty Really is the Best Policy, Even in Business

Originally published on Fast Company on February 13th, 2015 Show me someone who isn’t facing challenges of one kind or anoth

