July 10, 2020

Medallia Unveils Quickstart Solutions Empowering State, Local Governments and Education to Reimagine How they Serve Society

Rich video feedback, powerful crowdsourcing technology and innovative AI-powered text analytics deliver rich insights on public sentiment, driving intelligent action

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., – Jul. 10, 2020 – Medallia, Inc. (NYSE: MDLA), the global leader in experience management, today announced new Medallia Quickstart Solutions for State & Local governments and the education market, providing deep understanding of employee and citizen sentiment and what innovations are required to shape the future of these industries.

“The challenges we are facing with COVID-19 are giving us the opportunity to redefine how we live, learn, work and care for one another. By capturing rich and powerful feedback from those who are impacted the most, we accelerate our ability to adapt to the needs of today,” said Nick Thomas, EVP Global Public Sector for Medallia.

Designed to go live in days, Medallia’s Quickstart Solutions for State, Local Government and Education are available for:

  • Public Safety and Services – better understand needs and expectations of the community and align with first responder departments including police and fire 
  • K-12 Education– instant understanding of what parents, students, and faculty need for successful remote and in-class education and to guide the future of schooling
  • Higher Education – determine the proper return to campus, virtually and physically, in live-time
  • Department of Motor Vehicles – accelerate efficiencies with contactless experiences that transform the delivery of driver services to reduce wait times and increase trust
  • Workplace Solutions – keep a finger on the pulse of employees in live-time to understand how the workplace is evolving. Apply powerful AI to understand top areas of improvement and suggested actions
  • Veterans Experience – improve the experience of the care, benefits, and services for Veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors

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About Medallia

Medallia is the pioneer and market leader in Experience Management. Medallia’s award-winning SaaS platform, the Medallia Experience Cloud, leads the market in the understanding and management of experience for customers, employees and citizens. Medallia captures experience signals created on daily journeys in person, digital and IoT interactions and applies proprietary AI technology to reveal personalized and predictive insights that can drive action with tremendous business results. Using Medallia Experience Cloud, customers can reduce churn, turn detractors into promoters and buyers, and create in-the-moment cross-sell and up-sell opportunities, providing clear and potent returns on investment. www.medallia.com

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