June 16, 2020

Challenge America Taps Medallia to Crowdsource Innovative Solutions to Emerging Health and Safety Challenges

Launches Maker Challenges in Partnership with Veteran Health Administration (VHA) Innovation Ecosystem

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., – Jun. 11, 2020 – Medallia, Inc. (NYSE: MDLA), the global leader in experience management, today announced Challenge America, in partnership with the Veteran Health Administration (VHA) Innovation Ecosystem and National Institute of Health, has launched COVID-19 Maker Challenge using Medallia Crowdicity. The mission behind the initiative is to crowdsource innovative solutions to the most pressing challenges faced by first responders and healthcare teams. Top engineers, designers, and other subject-matter experts will compete in design sprints to develop prototype solutions that Challenge America can quickly scale using rapid-manufacturing techniques, all in an effort to support our heroes on the frontlines of COVID-19.

“Historically we would not have been able to launch these challenges in such a short timeframe as the technology available to crowdsource, collaborate and curate such a pool of innovative ideas remotely was simply not scalable or easy to use. Medallia Crowdicity is providing us with a powerful, yet simple tool to democratize the sourcing of powerful concepts that can solve pressing issues in health and safety today,” said Dallas Blaney, executive director for Challenge America.

One of two challenges already launched is the crowdsourcing of ideas for COVID-19 related challenges from the Environmental Management Service community, including cleaning and disinfecting essential workspaces and keeping workers safe. The second is to curate feedback on the unmet needs of nursing home communities.

“At Medallia we are honored to help our non-profit and public sector customers find new solutions to today’s challenges that impact safety and health, while improving the experience of essential workers and citizens,” said Lee Becker, solutions principal for Medallia.

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About Medallia

Medallia (NYSE: MDLA) is the pioneer and market leader in Experience Management. Medallia’s award-winning SaaS platform, the Medallia Experience Cloud, leads the market in the understanding and management of experience for customers, employees and citizens. Medallia captures experience signals created on daily journeys in person, digital and IoT interactions and applies proprietary AI technology to reveal personalized and predictive insights that can drive action with tremendous business results. Using Medallia Experience Cloud, customers can reduce churn, turn detractors into promoters and buyers, and create in-the-moment cross-sell and up-sell opportunities, providing clear and potent returns on investment.


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