Webinar Recording

Building trust for successful delivery of the COVID vaccine

With the vaccine rollout slower than expected and new cases of the COVID-19 variants emerging, organizations are racing to deliver more vaccines. However, this is met with resistance from both the public and healthcare workers who have voiced their mistrust of the vaccine rollout and management process. As trust and high-quality interactions go hand in hand, organizations have an opportunity to create personal connections that are foundational to building trust, improving transparency, and increased patient engagement.

Watch Professor Dr. Calvin Chou, MD, Ph.D. of University of California at San Francisco and faculty member at the Academy of Communication in Healthcare, and Lee Becker, Solutions Principal of Medallia in a discussion and demonstration on how your organization can facilitate continuous and ongoing engagement, feedback, and process improvement by:

  • Implementing key drivers for a successful vaccine experience by leveraging communication and technology best practices to foster trust and confidence.
  • Analyzing trends and common themes in real-time to improve current and future vaccine administration and management through real-time feedback.
  • Identifying trends within VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reaction System) data for key learnings and ways to proactively respond to vaccine experience trends within your organization.

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