Know your besties well, but know your frenemies even better

Average Store NPS

+5.8 points

Time to Impact

<9 months



“Medallia has been a fantastic partner for implementation of our voice-of-customer program.”

- Katie Overdevest

Senior Manager of Business Analysis Benefit Cosmetics

Benefit Cosmetics implemented the “Mirror, Mirror” program to measure and understand the customer experience in 32 stand-alone retail stores in North America. The goal for Benefit is to drive profitable growth for both products and services as they seek to expand their boutiques. Medallia Experience Cloud gives store managers visibility into customer sentiment using a branded dashboard, known as a “Vanity” to understand which customers are Besties (also known as promoters), Frenemies (detractors), or Wallflowers (passives).

Katie Overdevest, Senior Manager of Business Analysis at Benefit Cosmetics says, “By listening to post-purchase feedback from our customers, we’ve uncovered insights and empowered store managers to make tangible improvements and connect directly with their loyal clients. Over time their goal is turn all Frenemies into Besties, all while retaining loyal, happy customers. The results are clear – in just 9 months the average individual door ‘Glam Factor,’ or NPS score, has increased 5.8 points.”

By understanding customer comments alongside the survey scores, store managers are able to view and understand customer insights in real-time. Store managers at each of the 32 stores are daily users of the Medallia mobile app, logging in as many as 10 times per day to view customer feedback and manage any follow-up communications with customers. The Medallia platform shows the data within a unified, branded dashboard that can be used by managers with minimal training. For Benefit, it was important that the data be accessible, visually appealing, and easy to use.

Benefit Cosmetics has incorporated both the Medallia Voices™ mobile app and the AskNow tool as a way to amplify the voice of the customer within the organization. Executives at headquarters are frequent users of Medallia Voices, which provides both positive and constructive customer feedback within a single, easy-to-use app. Benefit Cosmetics relies on AskNow, a tool to run real-world tests on specific customer segments in order to test possible ideas to support future growth and innovation.

Source: PRN Newswire, Benefit Cosmetics Applies Medallia to Increase “Glam Factor”

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